I love vampires

My blog can be very interesting yet very emo. I love black and I think that it is awesome.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Pentagon eases rules on gay ban in US military
Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced new measures Thursday to make it harder to discharge gays in the US military, saying the move offered "a greater measure of common sense and common decency." Gates said the changes seek to enforce "in a fairer and more appropriate manner" the so-called "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law which requires gays to keep quiet about their sexual orientation or face expulsion from the military.
I think that this article is interesting as they are about the subject of gender of male who are in the US but they are gay. I think that they should not ban gays in US military as though they are gays, they might still be quite useful. Some gays are very strong and have the knowledge to think of plans and solutions. The government should think twice of their decisions about banning gays in US military.


Blogger THE SCRIBE said...

Well done Espino! But, could you please put the reference link to the articles that you wrote about? Refer to "The Meeting Point" for an example of how it should be done.

March 29, 2010 at 9:30 PM  

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