I love vampires

My blog can be very interesting yet very emo. I love black and I think that it is awesome.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My inference about Anne Frank

Anne Frank, Bruno and war.

Anne Frank is one of the names that had tattoed in my mind. Her experiences, and her emotions are clearly marked in her diary. She wrote all what was happening during the World War 2. In her diary, she wrote what was happening around her like her friends and how she gossiped just like a normal girl. It hurts to read what had happened to her during the time where German attacked Holand, she and her family had to go to hiding for 2 years. During that time, she wrote what she heard from the radio and how she felt about what had happened to her friends.
Her last entry in her diary was on August 1, 1944. Nobody knows what had happened to her. I felt sad on what she had benn through her life. Her story is a real life and she died two months before her 16th birthday.

Bruno is a fictional story about what happened in a concentration camp. Bruno had made friends with a Jewish named Shmuel. Though Bruno is only 10 years old, Bruno discovered what was happening in the concentration camp when he thought that it was only a farm where people wore pajamas. He died with his best friend inside the gas chamber. It was a very sad story and after I watched the movie, I cried.

War bring suffering to everybody. Innocent people die not knowing what they had done wrong. It is better in this time, there are no war anymore. Hitler was a very bad person, it is just right that he commited suicide.


Blogger THE SCRIBE said...

Good job!

April 6, 2010 at 8:06 PM  

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