I love vampires

My blog can be very interesting yet very emo. I love black and I think that it is awesome.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My inference about Anne Frank

Anne Frank, Bruno and war.

Anne Frank is one of the names that had tattoed in my mind. Her experiences, and her emotions are clearly marked in her diary. She wrote all what was happening during the World War 2. In her diary, she wrote what was happening around her like her friends and how she gossiped just like a normal girl. It hurts to read what had happened to her during the time where German attacked Holand, she and her family had to go to hiding for 2 years. During that time, she wrote what she heard from the radio and how she felt about what had happened to her friends.
Her last entry in her diary was on August 1, 1944. Nobody knows what had happened to her. I felt sad on what she had benn through her life. Her story is a real life and she died two months before her 16th birthday.

Bruno is a fictional story about what happened in a concentration camp. Bruno had made friends with a Jewish named Shmuel. Though Bruno is only 10 years old, Bruno discovered what was happening in the concentration camp when he thought that it was only a farm where people wore pajamas. He died with his best friend inside the gas chamber. It was a very sad story and after I watched the movie, I cried.

War bring suffering to everybody. Innocent people die not knowing what they had done wrong. It is better in this time, there are no war anymore. Hitler was a very bad person, it is just right that he commited suicide.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Pentagon eases rules on gay ban in US military
Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced new measures Thursday to make it harder to discharge gays in the US military, saying the move offered "a greater measure of common sense and common decency." Gates said the changes seek to enforce "in a fairer and more appropriate manner" the so-called "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law which requires gays to keep quiet about their sexual orientation or face expulsion from the military.
I think that this article is interesting as they are about the subject of gender of male who are in the US but they are gay. I think that they should not ban gays in US military as though they are gays, they might still be quite useful. Some gays are very strong and have the knowledge to think of plans and solutions. The government should think twice of their decisions about banning gays in US military.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


High security in Bangkok as protest rally starts

Tens of thousands of soldiers and police officers are out in force on the streets of Bangkok this morning as crowds of protesters begin to stream toward the capital to joina a massive rally aimed at paralysing the city and toppling the government. I think that this article is a very serious news. It involves the people in Bangkok and their government. I think that there should be more peace on Earth. To make it a better place.


Rain comes to Metro Manila, but its still El Niño

After weeks of scorching heat, rain has finally come – at least in parts of Metro Manila – due to a cold front in Luzon. But the government-run weather bureau quickly doused hopes of cooler days, saying the showers were merely “transient” and that the country was still experiencing El Niño. I think that the rains are due to the passing of the cold front. I think that they will return to warm weather in a couple of days. While the rains were a welcome respite from the summer heat, after this we will again slowly feel the heat of the dry season..


Web Scammer drove himself to jail is one of the most interesting article I had read in the newsgoogle.com. In this article, the modus operandi of 22-year-old Allen Tan Wei Loon post advertisements offering cars for rent but often after clients paid a deposit, the cars never showed up. Sixteen people fell victim to his scam from July to October last year.
I think that we cannot trust strangers very much even or own relatives. We must be able to know and judge someone before we finally put a trust in that particular person.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My most memorable experience..

Here we go again, though not many people actually read my blog, I want to share my memorable experience I have ever had. I'm in computer lab now with my classmates and all of us are writing in our own blogs. My experience was during my primary 5 camp at labrador park. We stayed there for 3 days and 2 nights. On the first day, we had our instructors meeting and bonding with us and it was fun. During our lunch break, we have to sing this song before we can eat. The food in the camp are delicious and healthy. during the night, we exchanged toilets with the boys and the girls used the boys toilet in the 2nd floor and the boys used the girls' toilet in the first floor. Second day was even fun as we have to exercise early in the morning and did different games in the afternoon before eating our dinner. We had out campfire that night were we played games and showed that girls are more better than boys. During my camp, I realised that I really had become independent as I did not need my parents help on how to do stuffs and instruct my own classmates on what to do. Being independent can be very hard but if you learn how to be one, it will not be very difficult to cope with things that you have to be independent for.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So this is me...

Hi, my name is Abby. Well, first thing first. Let me introduce my stuffs to you.
I'm a girl with mixed blood. I'm half american, spanish, filipino, malay, chinese and french. As you can see, I like black and emo stuffs. I like to be with my friends most of the time and ofcourse, get crazy whenever I'm with them. My hobbies are skateboarding, playing guitar and singing. Take my music and I wont be able to live long. For me, I think that being someone else you're not is really not nice. Be yourself and the world will love you.