I love vampires

My blog can be very interesting yet very emo. I love black and I think that it is awesome.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Life during World War 2 was torture, suffering and pain. I have learnt that we are all lucky that we do not have to suffer from the hardship that the people in the WW 2 had gone through. I have learnt that we must be greatful that our presidents from all over the world are in peace. I have learnt that we are all lucky that everyone was treated equally regardless of their race and religion.

I appreciate that I do not have to feel the suffering and torture from the WW 2. I am greatful that I have enough food to eat and money to buy things that I want.

I want to learn more about how the people coped with the suffering they had felt during the World War 2.


Blogger THE SCRIBE said...

Well done! Thanks for the sharing.

April 28, 2010 at 5:38 PM  

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